Agilyx Insights

Wellness, Mindfulness and their Role in the Workplace

Written by Mariya Zarembo | 5/06/18 7:39 PM

What is Wellness? What is Mindfulness? Does it belong in the workplace?

The answer to the last question is absolutely.

Regarding the first two questions, K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid, not the 80s rock band…) is a good acronym to keep in mind.

At Agilyx, we value the health of our employees. To reflect this fact, we initiated a Health and Wellness Program in our Headquarters at the beginning of the year that has been majorly successful on both an individual and group level. We have taken steps to improve the mental and physical wellness of our team and now would like to pass on what we learned to others that exist in an office environment.

Read on to find out what exactly wellness and mindfulness mean and how they can seamlessly tie into the workplace.



Wellness can be described as the active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than simply being free from illness; it is a dynamic process of change and growth.

The World Health Organisation describes wellness (health) as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

It is generally agreed that there are Seven Dimensions of Wellness:

* Social: our ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with other people such as family, friends and co-workers.

* Emotional: Our ability to understand ourselves and acknowledge/share feelings such as anger, fear, sadness, stress, hope, love and joy in a productive manner, whilst coping with life's changes.

* Spiritual: Our ability to develop harmony and peace in our lives and create a balance between our values and actions.

* Environmental: Our ability to recognise our responsibility and have a positive impact towards our homes, communities and the planet (air, water, land, etc.)

* Occupational: our ability to contribute to and gain personal fulfillment in our chosen organisation, home lives and society as a whole.

* Intellectual: our ability to open our minds to new concepts and experiences to pursue lifelong learning which improves our personal skills, decision making and community interaction/betterment.

* Physical: Our ability to maintain a healthy quality of life, and recognise our behaviours have a significant impact on our health. Adopting healthy habits (balanced diet, exercise,etc.) and limiting destructive habits (drinking, smoking, drugs, etc.) contribute to this.

* Financial: University of California Riverside recently added a "Financial" dimension - our ability to manage our personal finances appropriately in a way that enhances our lives without a negative impact on others.

You can remember the above 7 Dimensions (minus Financial) with the word "P.o.e.s.i.e.s." (Poesies are poetical works, in case you are interested).



Mindfulness can be described as the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, which can be developed through the practice of meditation and other training.

The World Health Organisation describes mindfulness (mental health) as "a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to his or her community".

Mindfulness involves acceptance and paying attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them (i.e. there is no "correct" or "incorrect" way to feel about any given moment). Acceptance has been known to reduce rumination and worry and, as a result, depression and anxiety.


How is this relevant to the workplace?

You sit down at desk all day, so make sure you go for walks regularly, drink lots of water, and exercise when you can.

* Healthy body = healthy mind

* Healthy mind =  optimum performance at work

* Optimum performance at work = lowered stress and improvement across the Seven Dimensions of Wellness.

Take a moment for yourself and clear your mind: this will help create perspective, clarity and improve problem solving.

The Harvard Review recently stated, "Managing emotions at work is critical to leading effectively".

* So be considerate about how you treat others around you; everyone gets stressed, but we are a family and we all do our best.

*  Emotional outpouring is cathartic, but we must consider and be mindful of how it affects those around us. Don't assume because you feel better, that everyone else does.

* "Leading" in this context could mean: a business, project, team, conversation and/or initiative.

* Emotional outpouring is different if you are an extrovert (verbal) or if you are an introvert (written); however, both have the same effect.

Don't just send e-mails or Skype the people sitting next to you in the office - walk over and talk to them: interacting with those around you is more effective and more social than just e-mailing.

Have a creative output outside work:

* Problem solving and managing clients/prospects is hard work, but studies at MIT have shown that, if given a creative output, staff are happier and more creative.

* This leads to people working harder and coming up with more creative ideas to solve problems in the workplace. Everyone benefits.


Final Thoughts

Balance is key here... not just a work versus life balance, but a balance in view/opinion.

*Balance will lead to better understanding and acceptance, improved happiness, resilience to change and empathy to your fellow human.

Don't be a dreamer and focus on what "might be". Give yourself goals and make your dreams a reality.

* Be honest with yourself - is everything you are doing taking you towards those goals?

Don't dwell on the past and what could have been. Leave that negativity behind, learn from it and move forward.

* C.S. Lewis said: "There are far better things ahead, than the things we leave behind."

Money - is not everything.

* Yes, it is important, and we all work hard to create comfort, stability, security for ourselves and our loved ones for the future.

* However, when the time comes, you will be remembered by those that matter - those closest to you, as a friend, sibling and/or parent... rather than your business achievements.

* Be inquisitive about the world and how it works. Explore, be interested in things around you... there are riches there that you CAN pass on, that are truly unique and useful.

A healthy team means a healthy business -  don't forget to always keep wellness and mindfulness at the forefront of your organisation.