Every year in January, we're faced with failing New Year's resolutions, Christmas credit card debt, and cold and dark weather for the next two months ahead. This takes a toll on us personally and professionally as our stress and anxiety weaves itself into our daily activities. It's important to ensure that we're taking care of both ourselves and our staff during these months when employee burnout seems to be at an all-time high. From planning team lunches to team-building activities, January is one of the best months to look at boosting morale in the workplace. Take a look at the article below for ways to curb your post-holiday blues and ensure that you and your employees are ready to tackle the new year with a fresh outlook.

“Make sure you learn how to use sustainable daily actions to remind yourself to continue these practices regularly. For example; working too many hours often leads to exhaustion and can impact your physical and mental health. Build in time for yourself to prioritise your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.” Small changes can make a big difference on how you perceive work, from setting a reminder to make sure you go home on time each day, taking your full lunch break and spending time away from your desk can all result in long-term positive behaviour changes that enhance and prolong mental wellbeing.
